A bad experience with a consulting firm due to failure in a hiring a peon for our office brings up the idea of Just Jobs

Just Jobs is officially born, Kishore and Max start working on the first prototype of the product

Just Jobs's facebook page completes first 50,000 fans

Founders, Kishore & Max launch Just Jobs

Just Jobs gets first registration as well as paid customer – Yogesh, Delhi

Just Jobs introduces first job post as free

Just Jobs's facebook page completes first 100,000 fans

Just Jobs completes first 5000 registrations

Just Jobs changes the sign-up process for Employers – Easy, Fast & Free

Just Jobs introduces profile page for Jobseekers

Just Jobs introduces list of registered job seekers page

Just Jobs introduces list of registered companies/employers page

Just Jobs changes UI/UX design for home page & job listings page

Just Jobs completes first 10000 registerations

Just Jobs completes first 10000 Jobseeker registrations