Happy New Year 2013
Tags: Happy New Year 2013
- Kishore Beniwal
- 31, Dec 2012
Whether we want them or not, the New Year will bring new challenges; whether we seize them or not, the New Year will bring new opportunities. ~Michael Josephson
Time to learn from the past and making new beginnings, opportunities and yeah! time to take new year’s resolutions. So, have you decided your resolution for 2013 or still thinking…
Here are some of the resolutions that any young professional that can (should) consider for 2013 –
- Quit Smoking – This is the perfect time to get rid of some bad habits even if you already tried and failed before. Take a resolution to QUIT SMOKING today! There are many nicotine replacement therapies available nowadays to help make your life “smoke-free.” This will also uplift your confidence, work-strength and moral.
- Focus on Passion & Learn Something New – People generally take opportunities or jobs on basis of their academic qualifications and neglect their inner strength and passion. Why not making your passion – your job, your work? and expand your horizons.
- Join Online Professional Networks – For IT professionals, it is important to have their profile online. So, start creating and optimize your profile on some major online professional networks like Linkedin and Skillpages. These websites are always helpful gaining more opportunities i.e. new business, new job and new contacts.
- Buy a Smartphone – Smartphones can do wonders in your professional job. How? Most of the Smartphones are equipped with Apps which can give your professional life an extra utility and makes your life easy and faster than ever. You can do web browsing, video calling and much more.
- Commit to your resolutions
Global Jobs Network wishes you a fantastic 2013. May you climb and reach your dreams this coming year.